Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Importance of Submitting to Web Directories

The Importance of Submitting to Web Directories

By: mark goeder-tarant

You might be wondering what the point is to even list your website with web directories when all you are concerned about is being number one with the big search engines.

Well, the answer to your question is that many people search web directories when they are looking for a specific type of site. And, being the number one result with the big search engines is an arduous task that never ends. So, many webmasters choose to submit to web directories in order to increase their traffic.

Directories are great because people do not have to know exactly what they are looking for. Instead, they can have a general idea and simply search the directory to try and find a site that meets their interest.

People should make sure they are searching within the directory and not on the entire World Wide Web to receive the best results. Another thing to keep in mind as well is that the title of the website and its Meta tags are all the directory will be searching, so those who submit to a web directory should play close attention to the title and Meta tags to ensure the highest amount of traffic.

Websites in directories are listed under subheadings as well, which makes searching easy. Those looking for websites on health can simply click the health category and see the sites listed.

The same goes for a wide variety of other categories as well. Once you get through all the subcategories and find the type of sites you are looking for there is one thing to keep in mind.

And that is the way websites are ranked within the directory. They may be ranked in alphabetical order or even in the order they were submitted. Some web directories even rank sites by their page rank. Just keeping this in mind is important to ensure you get the best results.

If you are considering submitting your website or websites to web directories then you should keep in mind as well that there are some web directories where actual humans handle submissions and other directories where computers do it all. You want to make sure you submit to web directories that are edited by humans.

This means an actual person will check out every site and make sure it is valid and not spam. Only legitimate sites will get listed with the web directory.

If you submit your website to web directories where people do not edit all the submissions then the directory wont likely have a very good reputation, not many people will visit it, and your site wont get a lot of traffic. So pay very close attention to the web directories you submit to.

Web directories are very important because they allow webmasters to increase their websites page rank with the big search engines thanks to the back links. Back links are like a popularity contest and the more you have the more popular your site.

So, web directories can really help your site get ranked higher by Google, MSN, and the other big search engines.

So, web directories will not only increase your traffic, allow people searching for your particular product or service to find you, but it will also increase your ranking with the search engines and benefit your site overall.

Keyword Articles:

Mark Goeder-Tarant hosts his own web directory Zags Free Web Directory where webmasters can submit their own Sites free of charge and with no reciprocal link. All submissions to are carefully checked and manually approved.

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